Average Grocery Cost Per Month

Are you tired of overspending on groceries and wondering where all your hard-earned money is going? We hear you! The average grocery cost per month can be a real budget buster if not properly managed.

But fear not, because in this blog post, we are going to break down the numbers, share some expert tips, and help you take control of your grocery spending once and for all. Get ready to save big while still enjoying delicious meals that satisfy both your taste buds and your wallet.

What is the average grocery cost per month?

According to the USDA’s 2011-2015 National Food Expenditures Survey, the average grocery cost per person per month was $86. This includes all food expenditures, both direct and indirect. Indirect costs include things like transportation and packaging. Direct costs include groceries themselves as well as other household consumables like cleaning supplies.

How much does an average grocery cost?

According to The Harris Poll, the average grocery bill for a family of four is $258.00 per month. That’s a little more than two-and-a-half times the national average salary! In order to afford this bill, families may have to make some tough decisions about where to cut back.

Here are six tips for how to save money on groceries:

  • Plan Ahead: This one should go without saying, but planning your meals ahead of time can help you save money on groceries. If you know what you’re going to be eating and when it’s easier to track down cheaper prices at the store.
  • Shop Discounts: Many stores offer discounts on specific items throughout the week. Check out your local flyer or online retailer for coupons that are specific to your area.
  • Ask For Deals: Sometimes store employees will be willing to give you a deal if you ask nicely. Ask if they have any specials going on that day or if there are any products that are being discontinued that you can purchase at a discount.
  • Cook At Home More Often: When you cook at home, you not only save money on groceries but also have control over what goes into your food. This can be especially helpful when it comes to mindful eating and budgeting; by cooking at home, you know exactly how much money is being spent.
  • Shop In Bulk: Buying bulk items can be a great way to save money on groceries. Not only do you save on the per-item price, but you also have the opportunity to pack your own meals for lunch or dinner. This can be a great way to reduce stress and save time.
  • Use Coupons: Last but not least, don’t forget about the power of coupons! Print out as many as you can and stick them in your grocery cart. You might be surprised at just how much money you can save by using coupons responsibly.
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Which items are the most expensive?

The average grocery cost per month is $103.21. The most expensive item in the grocery budget is meat, which costs an average of $27.47 per month. Grocery items containing sugar and saturated fat are also costly, costing an average of $15.05 and $11.72 per month, respectively.

Average Grocery Cost Per Month

According to the USDA, the average American household spends $103.12 on groceries each month. Here are the top 10 items that are most expensive for American households:

  • Fresh produce: $5.01 per person
  • Meat: $4.48 per person
  • Eggs: $2.98 per person
  • Milk: $2.73 per person
  • Bread products: $2.59 per person
  • Cereals and bakery goods: $2.42 per person
  • Snack foods: $1.55 per person


It can be tough to keep track of your average grocery cost per month, but luckily we have compiled a list of the most common items and their prices so that you can get an idea of what to expect. By knowing how much you are spending on groceries each month, you can start to plan better and save money in the long run.

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